We provide:
- Information about CTU
- Psychological counselling in English or other languages
- Help and recommendation in crisis situation
- Relax with CIPS
- Qigon/Daoyin session
- Wellbeing series
1Crisis contacts outside CTU
112 – Emergency telephone number (Integrated Rescue System)
Psychiatry and psychology services
Crisis Intervention Centre, Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital
The centre offers immediate psychiatric and psychological assistance 24/7 with no prior appointment needed. English-speaking doctor is present, however English-speaking telephone service is not guaranteed. The assistance is intended for adults in life situations that they are not able to handle themselves and directs them to constructive solution.
Address: Ústavní 91, 181 02 Prague 8
Phone: +420 284 016 110
Telephone crisis intervention: +420 284 016 666
Website: https://www.bohnice.cz/krizova-pomoc/
Diacionia SOS centrum – Daytime crisis service
SOS centre provides professional help, support and information to people in difficult or crisis situations, helps clients prevent similar situations from happening and supports clients in solving problems by their own strengths.
Centre is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. English-speaking service is available.
Address: Varšavská 37, Prague 2
E-mail: linka.duvery@diakonie.cz
Website: https://www.soscentrum.cz/en/
Fokus Praha
Fokus Praha provides support and counselling services for adults experiencing mental health problems, mainly but not only people with psychotic symptoms.
Contact person: Mgr. Ivana Morvayová
Phone: +420 778 724 332
E-mail: morvayova.ivana@fokus-praha.cz
Website: https://fokus-praha.cz/index.php/en/
Health care services
Motol University Hospital
Address: U Úvalu 84, Prague 5
Foreigners Department reception: Mon-Fri 7am – 7pm and Sat-Sun 8am– 7pm
Adults: +420 224 433 682
Email: cizinecke@fnmotol.cz
Website: https://www.fnmotol.cz/en/samoplatci/about-us/
Emergency Motol University Hospital: 24/7
Adults: +420 224 436 767
Military University Hospital
Address: U Vojenské Nemocnice 1200, Prague 6
Information Center (main entrance): 24/7 continuous informaion service
Phone: +420 973 208 333
Email: info@uvn.cz
CTU students may visit general practicioner (GP) MUDr. Milan Czolko: http://www.mudrczolko.cz/
Centre for Information and Counselling Services (CIPS)
Address: Bechyňova 3, Prague 6
Email address: cips@cvut.cz
Telephone: +420 224 358 460
Visit us
Helpful contacts at CTU:
Vice-Deans for International Relations:
- Faculty of Civil Engineering: prof. Karel Pavelka, pavelka@fsv.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Jan Halama, jan.halama@fs.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering: Jiří Jakovenko: jakovenk@fel.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering: Jan Vybíral: jan.vybiral@fjfi.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Architecture: Irena Fialová: irena.fialova@fa.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Transportation Sciences: Tomáš Horák: horaktom@fd.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Biomedical Engineering: prof. Karel Roubík: roubik@fbmi.cvut.cz
- Faculty of Information Technology: Josef Kolář: josef.kolar@fit.cvut.cz
- Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies: Eva Zakševická: eva.zaksevicka@cvut.cz